Friday, June 8, 2012

Aloha friends, What an incredibly beautiful day to be alive and in PC! Unfortunately I will have to describe the days adventures due to my spacing the camera and having a terrible phone camera. My day personally started off with a long paddle on the lake along with one other boater, now that's a way to kick off the day RIGHT! Our first hike in PCMR with Zoey, Roxy, Reo, Delila Bear, Jasper, Annie and Gracie was perfecto mundo! With temps in the 60's, some jazzed dogs, myself included, and no one on the trail, we started off on Sweeney's trail and on up Flat Cable that runs next to the Alpine Slide. The leaves have all come out in full attire, shiny and shady, just the way we like them. Continuing our journey up to Johns trail, where the songs of birds filled the clean cool air, over to 420 down the King Road, back on to a spur of Sweeney's south, small short cut route, and back home. My pack was fabulous, all great listeners and willing to please, making Schwaby very happy. I love my job! Numero dos hike was up the popular Iron Canyon trail that turned out to be not so popular on this fine day, only one runner wearing a running sucks t-shirt. Dryfus joined us on this rocky, technical and really steep trail that stays quite cool for most of the year from its lushness and north facing aspect. There are spurs off the main trail, game trails really, moose especially enjoy this area, and we decided to take one. Doing a bit of trail maintenance, something I enjoy doing, we bush whacked through the thick woods and rocky terrain, all the while the dogs having stepped it up a notch, something they do when it comes to bush whacking. Its really entertaining and fun to see the excitement rush through their furry four legged bodies, it's probably all the wild animal scents elevated to a higher level and they surely do dig it!! Up to the top for a fantastic view of our vacation town that we have the pleasure of actually living and playing in full time, Bitchin'!! We then ran down the mountain of Iron with a BIG FAT SMILE on our muzzles and yet another awesomely cool Schwaby Dogs adventure notched in our furry heads. Life is good. Peace. Schwaby

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